Doctor Strange # 1
STORY Jason Aaron ART Chris Bachalo, Tim Townsend, Al Vey, and Mark Irwin COLORS Chris Bachalo LETTERS Cory Petit COVER Chris Bachalo, Tim Townsend, Juan Doe
STORY Jason Aaron ART Chris Bachalo, Tim Townsend, Al Vey, and Mark Irwin COLORS Chris Bachalo LETTERS Cory Petit COVER Chris Bachalo, Tim Townsend, Juan Doe
So, we know that many of you are coming to London for Hamlet this summer. London is my favorite city and I am sure you guys will be blown away by what it has to offer. Our staff writer a_shibs and I have decided, that we want to make your trip planning a bit easier […]
As 2015 begins it will soon unveil; Marvel’s “Avengers 2: Age of Ultron” and “Ant-Man” which will lead into 2016’s “Captain America 3: Civil War” and of course, “Doctor Strange”. You are probably finding yourself asking these questions: -But what do all those other films before Doctor Strange have to do with him? -Does that […]
Marvel has finally announced Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange. Now you’re wondering who the hell that is and what does he have to do with the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Pamela and I are here to tell you that he ain’t no Harry Potter. Let our Doctor Strange Starter Kit (part 1) enlighten you.
[Disclaimer: This Q/A does involve major spoilers. If you have not seen the movie, please DO NOT go forward, unless you want to be cheeky. In the meantime please check out our movie review. And please read on.] The Imitation Game Q&A AARP: Movies for Grown-ups November 9th, 2014 In Attendance: Scott Mantz (SM) […]
Longtime fans of Benedict Cumberbatch who’ve followed his musical tastes know of his appreciation for Radiohead and lead singer Thom Yorke. In the past, Cumberbatch has openly admitted Radiohead’s significance to him – as if their music were the soundtrack to his life (never more so than “How To Disappear Completely” – the song he heard […]
Imitation Game: Man or Enigma? “Are you paying attention?” Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) says glaring down in a cold, gloomy police station interrogation room “You think you are in control of what will happen, […]
Season 4 of Sherlock could not come fast enough. No, seriously, it couldn’t come fast enough even if we wanted it to. With it’s main leads busy making movies, landing TV shows and staging the West End, fans will be lucky if they see the detective show in the year 2016. We all know […]
Hollywood, California-August 25, 2014- held the 66th Annual Primetime Emmys. Critics all across the board from Hollywood Reporter, Deadline Hollywood, Variety, and even Buzzfeed all anticipated a grand sweep from Breaking Bad and Modern Family (since they have been consistent reigning champions these past years) and had predicted that Netflix’s original series; “Orange is the […]
I’ll be the first to say I want to have the clock Benedict Cumberbatch uses, because in his world, he was “a day late” in accepting the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness for ALS/MND (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). Let’s check that timeline: One of the actors who challenged Benedict, Tom Hiddleston, posted his challenge on August 18 […]
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