STID at the Royal Albert Hall in London

I felt quite lucky to have been able to go to London and see STID again, this time acompanied by the amazing 21st Century Symphony Orchestra and in the very impressive surrounding the Royal Albert Hall undeniably is..

The RAH filled up with a very diverse audience, we even spotted some Klingons in the stalls!
Seeing some familiar (twitter) faces in the RAH was a fun bonus before the film started.

The film was preceded by an intro by the composer of the score Michael Giacchino. He was welcomed with a big applause from the audience.

The first notes of the film score gave me I goosebumps and to be honest the goosebumps didn’t go away throughout the film.. What an amazing experience to see and hear this already great film score performed live by such an amazing orchestra.
Of course I don’t have to mention how amazing STID is and especially Benedict in his role as Khan. There where even some screams from the audience when he spoke the words “I am Khan” and also the appearance of Leonard Nimoy’s Spock was cheered on by the audience.

A well deserved standing ovation followed the last part of the film score..
After thanking the orchestra, the choir and of course the conductor: Ludwig Wicki (who in the second halve of the film as a nice touch was wearing a classic Science Officers blue shirt) Michael Giacchino took the stage and he and the orchestra performed a little piece of the film score he wrote for the film “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”
This again was very impressive..

Watching a film accompanied by such a great orchestra is an experience I can and will gladly have again (someone who we later met in the tube said that he would love to see all the films like this and I agree) And if you ever get the chance to go and see/hear it like this.. Do!


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