Music According to Benedict Nº 5 – James Rhodes’ “Clair de lune” by Claude Debussy

Do you really love music? I mean, REALLY love music? I’m not asking you to tell me. It’s not a formal inquiry – I promise. I’m asking you to be honest – with you. You have your ear candy music – the stuff that makes you sing or dance or remember a moment at a […]

“Harrow – a very British school”

During his stay at OZ Comic Con in Adelaide, Australia, Benedict Cumberbatch stated quite clearly how important it is to believe in education and which impacts education can have on a society. But what influences had education on the 37-year-old, who is often admired for his intellect, himself? The London born actor started boarding at […]

Music According to Benedict Nº 4 – the Rolling Stones

  A quick check of interviews with Benedict in which he’s asked to “list favorites” almost always includes his admission that the list would change if he’s asked again the next day – and that lists are, well, a bit challenging for him. In fact, in true Cumberbatch fashion, he admitted as much to the […]