Benedict FlowerPatch Host of 2014 Chelsea Flower Show (Confessions of an uninterested American)

Who ever said “Flowers were boring” was absolutely right? Right. But dearest reader I should warn you that I am American. I am a hot dog eating, cowboy loving, bleeding heart liberal at heart. Being that I am American I know I don’t understand two very British key  themes; the obsession of Eurovision, why you […]

“Harrow – a very British school”

During his stay at OZ Comic Con in Adelaide, Australia, Benedict Cumberbatch stated quite clearly how important it is to believe in education and which impacts education can have on a society. But what influences had education on the 37-year-old, who is often admired for his intellect, himself? The London born actor started boarding at […]

Experience History: Visiting Bletchley Park

Benedict’s hotly anticipated film, The Imitation Game, centers on the life and achievements of British mathematician and war hero, Alan Turing. For those unfamiliar with Turing, he played a major role in helping to decode German intelligence during the Second World War. Building upon the pre-war work of Polish codebreakers, Turing devised techniques to break […]

Hamlet Apps

I guess we are all aware that Benedict will be gracing the London stage as Hamlet and I am sure I speak for all of us when saying that we can’t wait! Cumberbatch will star as the Danish prince at the Barbican Theatre from August to October 2015. Tickets will go on sale this May […]