Music According to Benedict: “Fools Gold” & “I Am The Resurrection” by The Stone Roses

The Stone Roses (courtesy

“I Am the Resurrection” and “Fools Gold” by the Stone Roses

“…they stand side by side on the album and are inseparably brilliant. I went to Manchester University partly on an insane surge of nostalgia from when I discovered these mischievous mancs and their Madchester ways! God bless the Happy Mondays and Joy Division and all the other Tony Wilson ‘Factory’ recorded bands.”

– Benedict Cumberbatch, Top Tunes – Two Paddocks


Get some professional advice from Benedict Cumberbatch & Co.

Today has seen the release of this fantastic short Bafta video in which actors like James McAvoy, Hugh Dancy and Benedict Cumberbatch speak about acting and becoming an actor. And there’s some really really great stuff in there. I myself have just arrived where I always wanted to be professionally and a lot of what is being said in this video resonates with me. Because the excellent advice given by these seasoned actors can be applied to all kinds of careers. Let’s look at some of the more universal advice they mention:

  • “How interesting is this going to be to watch?”: Benedict talks about how he approaches new characters. As an actor he is working for an audience. His goal is to provide a performance that grabs and holds their attention. This can be applied to a lot of professional output. Who is your audience or target group? Are they going to like what you’re putting out there? Try to step into their shoes and think: “Would I want to watch/hear/read/eat/see that?”.
  • “Let things sit”: Hugh Dancy talks about giving an idea some time to develop. Sometimes you have to leave your work alone for a day or two. Even for a few hours, if longer isn’t an option. I am sometimes quite unhappy with my work (I’m a translator) when I’ve been tweaking it for too long. It usually looks a lot better the next day. Or it’s a lot easier to iron out some issues once you’ve got some distance from the project.
  • “You have to be allowed to fail”: Colin Farrell makes a very good point here. I would even add: You have to allow yourself to fail. I made a major mistake a couple of weeks ago and had to stay up a couple of nights to make it right again. I was SO cross with myself. I detest making mistakes. I cannot stand to fail. BUT we learn through our mistakes and we need to learn that to err and fail is human and necessary. And Benedict adds a nice quote from Beckett a bit later in the video: “Fail again fail better.”
  • “You can never perfect what we do”: Benedict is talking about acting here, but this applies to a lot of professional output of course. Perfection does NOT exist. We are human beings, not machines. There are usually hundreds of possible ways to do a certain thing. And all of them are right and valid. Even for that reason alone it will be interesting to see how Benedict approaches the role of Hamlet. We all bring different interpretations of the same thing to the table. And this makes life exciting.
  •  “Drama school is a great idea”: If you want to make something you are passionate about into your profession and there’s a good school offering practical education in that area, try to go. If there is any way you can make it work financially and you have a true gift for something, apply. It doesn’t matter if you have to move far away or overcome some personal issue, it’s the best thing you’ll ever do. You will get to practice doing what you love in a safe environment, you will learn from others and you will network. Never underestimate the networking. My friends and tutors from Uni have basically made my career happen. And you get to make mistakes. So many mistakes. But others will be there to help you back on your feet and share their tales of failure.
  • “See lots, read lots, hear lots, experience life as well. Keep observing”: Classic Benedict. Just gobble up life and the world, basically. So, so true. Stay interested, stay hungry. Do scary stuff. Ask questions. Very preachy, I know. But very true.
  • “Spread your net as wide as possible and more work will come” and “Take whatever comes your way” and “Adjust yourself to things you thought you couldn’t do”: This right here might be the most important advice ever. Grab all the jobs that come your way (within reason, don’t let others exploit you!). Throw yourself into opportunities that scare the hell out of you. I have taken on SO many jobs I thought I wouldn’t be able to do in the last 12 months or so. I was scared shitless most of the time. But my CV grew and jobs kept coming. And suddenly I had to postpone jobs and turn away clients because I was getting so many offers.

Just jump, guys. Enjoy the free fall. And the landing will be worth it.

Preparing for Parade’s End – and a New Beginning for IWM

From Parade’s End by Ford Madox Ford:

“The war had made a man of him! It had coarsened him and hardened him. There was no other way to look at it. It had made him reach a point at which he would no longer stand unbearable things.”

“In every man there are two minds that work side by side, the one checking the other; thus emotion stands against reason, intellect corrects passion and first impressions act a little, but very little, before quick reflection.”


A sexy lot of suppression witnesses

How do you eat a banana? Did you make eye contact with the man who queued at the shops earlier? Did you catch yourself looking at that girl’s nicely shaped arse on the bus this morning? There’s no shame to admit it, it happens to all of us. We decide within moments whether another human being is a possible threat, healthy or in this case „attractive“. It’s a mechanismn of protection as well as of survival, centuries old.

The truth is mankind is a sexual species like any other we share this planet with. Being sexually active, consciously or unconsciously, comes natural to us all: females, males, young and old. More than ever are we aware of how humans can love each other: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality, metrosexuality, transexuality etc.  While we are at liberty (don’t panic, I will have to correct myself unfortunately), our sexual instinct is manipulated or even abused by pornography, child abuse and most commonly by advertisement companies. Alcohol, cars and cigarettes to name a few products attract our attention, to some degree, because of lots of nudity.

I don’t intend to conclude what kind of sex drive our dear Alan had during his lifetime. What do I know? He was homosexual and when I say “we are at liberty”, well, he definitely wasn’t and it’s a shame.

The England of the 1950s tried to cure the mathematician from his “perverse” desires of having a same-sex relationship. Turing was indeed at liberty not go to jail but instead being denied his sexual nature, his nature of being human. (Please note: Turing surely was only one of possibly thousands that are not known about found guilty of the same crime at that time.) The attempt to cure him with female hormones made Alan lose his sexual function entirely, later the aftermath of this chemical treatment led to suicide.

Quite frankly it’s what we still do, sixty years in the future, try and cure people. Decide what is “right” and “wrong”, try and kill people, erase them from our modern and educated society simply because we think they should love differently.
To date there are seventy seven countries across the world where being in love with the same gender is considered illegal, ten out of these sentence homosexuals to death. In need of more disgraceful evidence? Homosexuals are publicly beaten and imprisoned in Russia. It is not reported in the media what happens to them behind closed doors, the rest is left to your imagination. A significant number of parents protests against “la théorie du genre” in France, against sexual education from an early age on including homosexuality and alike. Most of them believe in “traditional” families, which is fine by the way, but fear what their children might be taught, possibly growing up to be gay.

With that in mind and Benedict who open-mindedly officiated a “marriage, it was not a gay weeding, it was a wedding” of two male friends last year, “The Imitation Game” will face a sexually educated and sensible but also an audience with mixed expectations toward sexual orientation.


Interview with the Fanpire Series 3: CumberbatchWeb CEO, Naomi Roper, explains the Birth of a Fansite and stereotyping “Swooning Cumberbitches”

Social Media Queen and Cumberbatch Guru, Naomi Roper, is one of the top females in the game. A hard working business woman by day, and a super sleuthing bloggerista by night. This internet equivalent of Super-Woman or dare I say, Beyonce, is a one woman stop and shop for all your Cumberbatch needs.  She answers over 500+ emails, tweets, questions and is actively involved on her various web pages daily all before dinner time.

How on earth does she do it? In possibly the hardest job of them all, as Benedict  Cumberbatch signs up for roles quicker than you can say “Camp”, Naomi exudes strength, a vast wealth of knowledge and a particular sense of humor. How could you not interview her? This in week’s interview series we ask Naomi about her humble beginnings and to explain why all Cumberfans aren’t stereotypical “Cumberbitches”.



Interview with the Fanpire Series 2: Sherlock and the United States of America

Welcome to our series 2 interviews with your favorite social media websites, where we at According to Benedict, try to get the inside scoop, tips, and other general inquires. This week’s subjects are the showrunners of the US Sherlockians page. Shannon and Rachel sit down and tell us exactly what it’s like to be a Sherlock fan on the far, far end of the pond and how they are one of the very few United States pages out there.


Interview with the Fanpire Series 1: Two Benartists, Cécile and Pei, discuss Benedict, fan art and fandom

Welcome to our first segment in the interview series “Interview with the Fanpire” where we at According to Benedict have picked our followers favorite social media websites and contacted the artists and writers behind them so we  can know who exactly lies beyond the paint-brush and page. This week’s guests of honor are Cécile and Pei, mostly popular for their stunning detailed artworks. Read more  below as they share favorites, tips, and secrets.



Music According to Benedict – “Can’t Keep It Inside” – August: Osage County

Lee GrothOlson had a dream job.



Who? Lee GrothOlson


How? Talent (and location – it’s not just important in real estate, you know.)

Why? Benedict Cumberbatch NEEDED her.


Quote N° 4

“…reading is one of the joys of life, and once you begin, you can’t stop, and you’ve got so many stories to look forward to.”

Having worked in primary and elementary education for nearly a decade, I have to say one of the traits I admire most about Benedict Cumberbatch is his love of reading. His Harrow education certainly contributed to his expansive vocabulary and (occasionally) verbose responses during interviews, but the point is that he is both an advocate for and an example of how a love of reading shapes your imagination, your critical thinking skills – your very being. I’m especially glad that he promotes sharing that love of reading with children.

From my experience, creating a world with words – and seeing a child’s face as they imagine it for themselves as they listen to you read to them? It is one of the most wondrous moments to share with a child – a treasure.

Here’s the source of our quote – as well as one of the many stories Benedict has narrated, perfect for the child in your home – or the child that remains within you, no matter your age.

Music According to Benedict: “Hyperballad” by Björk

I have to be honest with you.

When I first read Benedict’s Top Tunes on Two Paddocks, I didn’t notice anything particularly unusual – UNTIL he wrote about #8: “Hyperballad” by Björk.

Americans might remember her for her awards show fashion sense more than her singing:

