A sexy lot of suppression witnesses
How do you eat a banana? Did you make eye contact with the man who queued at the shops earlier? Did you catch yourself looking at that girl’s nicely shaped arse on the bus this morning? There’s no shame to admit it, it happens to all of us. We decide within moments whether another human being is a possible threat, healthy or in this case „attractive“. It’s a mechanismn of protection as well as of survival, centuries old.
The truth is mankind is a sexual species like any other we share this planet with. Being sexually active, consciously or unconsciously, comes natural to us all: females, males, young and old. More than ever are we aware of how humans can love each other: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality, metrosexuality, transexuality etc. While we are at liberty (don’t panic, I will have to correct myself unfortunately), our sexual instinct is manipulated or even abused by pornography, child abuse and most commonly by advertisement companies. Alcohol, cars and cigarettes to name a few products attract our attention, to some degree, because of lots of nudity.
I don’t intend to conclude what kind of sex drive our dear Alan had during his lifetime. What do I know? He was homosexual and when I say “we are at liberty”, well, he definitely wasn’t and it’s a shame.
The England of the 1950s tried to cure the mathematician from his “perverse” desires of having a same-sex relationship. Turing was indeed at liberty not go to jail but instead being denied his sexual nature, his nature of being human. (Please note: Turing surely was only one of possibly thousands that are not known about found guilty of the same crime at that time.) The attempt to cure him with female hormones made Alan lose his sexual function entirely, later the aftermath of this chemical treatment led to suicide.
Quite frankly it’s what we still do, sixty years in the future, try and cure people. Decide what is “right” and “wrong”, try and kill people, erase them from our modern and educated society simply because we think they should love differently.
To date there are seventy seven countries across the world where being in love with the same gender is considered illegal, ten out of these sentence homosexuals to death. In need of more disgraceful evidence? Homosexuals are publicly beaten and imprisoned in Russia. It is not reported in the media what happens to them behind closed doors, the rest is left to your imagination. A significant number of parents protests against “la théorie du genre” in France, against sexual education from an early age on including homosexuality and alike. Most of them believe in “traditional” families, which is fine by the way, but fear what their children might be taught, possibly growing up to be gay.
With that in mind and Benedict who open-mindedly officiated a “marriage, it was not a gay weeding, it was a wedding” of two male friends last year, “The Imitation Game” will face a sexually educated and sensible but also an audience with mixed expectations toward sexual orientation.
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