“Globe To Globe Hamlet”: A play tours the world
It was with great pleasure that I rediscovered London‘s Globe Theatre, or Shakespeare’s Globe, in preparation of Sonia Friedman’s production of Hamlet. A remarkable building and location to put on a play I passed by almost daily during my time in the capital; most recently linked to our Hamlet in The Sunday Times and briefly presented in this documentary. While Benedict Cumberbatch & Co. still fight phones, cameras and early reviews back at home, the Globe’s Hamleteers manage a very different kind of troubles in a less closed off environment such as lost luggage, therefore lost props and costume or heavy rain to name a few. What’s all this about, you ask?
Like in 2011 and 2012 the production of “Globe To Globe Hamlet” aims to bring Shakespeare’s most famous play to all corners of the world – in over two years! Led by actors Ladi Emeruwa and Naeem Hayat, a mixed group of sixteen left London’s Globe on Shakespeare’s 450th birthday in 2014 to travel with “Hamlet”. Alternating roles to keep themselves amused along their journey, they play instruments and play both indoors and outdoors; seek an audience as diverse as possible.
“The spirit of touring, and of communicating stories to fresh ears, was always central to Shakespeare’s work. We couldn’t be happier to be extending that mission even further. By train, coach, plane and boat we aim to take this wonderful, iconic, multifarious play to as many fresh ears as we possibly can”,
says Dominic Dromgoole, Artistic Director of Shakespeare’s Globe.
To much success the production, which will return to the UK on Shakespeare’s birthday next year, has already toured countries across Europe, Africa, the US, Australia, New Zealand and has now landed in Asia. Their current destination is Tokyo, Japan. A slightly interactive world map with future dates, countries, cities and venues can be found here. As the tour isn’t sold out, it could be a nice alternative to The Barbican’s Hamlet if you cannot make it to London yourself. Who knows, maybe Hamlet isn’t as far from you as you thought…
The Company includes actors John Dougall, Phoebe Fildes, Miranda Foster, Beruce Khan, Tom Lawrence, Jennifer Leong, Rawiri Paratene, Matthew Romain, Amanda Wilkin, Keith Bartlett and is accompanied by stage managers Rebecca Austin, Carrie Burnham, Dave McEvoy and Adam Moore.
The Creative team includes Dominic Dromgoole (direction), Bill Buckhurst (direction), Jonathan Fensom (design), Bill Barclay (music direction) and Laura Forrest-Hay (original music).
The production can be followed on Twitter / Facebook / Tumblr etc. Donations to The Globe Trust to keep things going can be placed here. Videos of the trailer and One Year Highlights.
Happy traveling!
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