Interview with the Fanpire Series 4: Sherlock and the case of the Irish Fandom

On Series 4 of Interview with the Fanpire, we at According to Benedict, travel far to a northern region of the UK Isles (if we are doing our geography correctly) to Ireland. In Ireland we find lucky charms, rocky coastal cliffs, emerald diamonds, and potatoes. But the real charm here is creator of Ireland’s first […]

Music According to Benedict: “Fools Gold” & “I Am The Resurrection” by The Stone Roses

The Stone Roses (courtesy “I Am the Resurrection” and “Fools Gold” by the Stone Roses “…they stand side by side on the album and are inseparably brilliant. I went to Manchester University partly on an insane surge of nostalgia from when I discovered these mischievous mancs and their Madchester ways! God bless the Happy Mondays and Joy Division and all the other Tony Wilson ‘Factory’ recorded bands.” – […]

Get some professional advice from Benedict Cumberbatch & Co.

Today has seen the release of this fantastic short Bafta video in which actors like James McAvoy, Hugh Dancy and Benedict Cumberbatch speak about acting and becoming an actor. And there’s some really really great stuff in there. I myself have just arrived where I always wanted to be professionally and a lot of what […]

Preparing for Parade’s End – and a New Beginning for IWM

From Parade’s End by Ford Madox Ford: “The war had made a man of him! It had coarsened him and hardened him. There was no other way to look at it. It had made him reach a point at which he would no longer stand unbearable things.” “In every man there are two minds that work side by […]

A sexy lot of suppression witnesses

How do you eat a banana? Did you make eye contact with the man who queued at the shops earlier? Did you catch yourself looking at that girl’s nicely shaped arse on the bus this morning? There’s no shame to admit it, it happens to all of us. We decide within moments whether another human […]

Interview with the Fanpire Series 3: CumberbatchWeb CEO, Naomi Roper, explains the Birth of a Fansite and stereotyping “Swooning Cumberbitches”

Social Media Queen and Cumberbatch Guru, Naomi Roper, is one of the top females in the game. A hard working business woman by day, and a super sleuthing bloggerista by night. This internet equivalent of Super-Woman or dare I say, Beyonce, is a one woman stop and shop for all your Cumberbatch needs.  She answers over […]

Interview with the Fanpire Series 2: Sherlock and the United States of America

Welcome to our series 2 interviews with your favorite social media websites, where we at According to Benedict, try to get the inside scoop, tips, and other general inquires. This week’s subjects are the showrunners of the US Sherlockians page. Shannon and Rachel sit down and tell us exactly what it’s like to be a […]

Interview with the Fanpire Series 1: Two Benartists, Cécile and Pei, discuss Benedict, fan art and fandom

Welcome to our first segment in the interview series “Interview with the Fanpire” where we at According to Benedict have picked our followers favorite social media websites and contacted the artists and writers behind them so we  can know who exactly lies beyond the paint-brush and page. This week’s guests of honor are Cécile and Pei, […]